Student and Alumni StoriesDr. Rochelle Allison’s Inspiring Student Success Story Dr. Rochelle Bailey’s incredible journey into medicine feels like it was meant to be. Medicine runs deep in her family,…
Student and Alumni StoriesDr. Fareeda Bacchus – From Student to Doctor Fareeda Bacchus, a 24-year-old emergency patient advocate at the Georgetown Public Hospital, has added another feather to her cap of…
Student and Alumni StoriesTestimonial from a student that Graduated from Texila The team of dedicated teaching faculties and experienced doctors are the strength of Texila‘s classroom training and clinical training, respectively.…
Student and Alumni StoriesAlumni Spotlight: Dr. Pavithra Muruganandam Ranked in top 50 in the FMGE licensing Exam in the Country India’s medical education system is the largest globally,…
Student and Alumni StoriesTexila is a remarkable journey in learning and a wholesome multi-cultural experience After completing his postgraduate medical education in Maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Akhilesh is currently practicing medicine in Bangalore, Karnataka. Medical education…
Student and Alumni StoriesSuccess Story of Dr. Esuru R Ikpe, a Doctor of Medicine from Nigeria Dr. Esuru R Ikpe is a doctor from Nigeria who believes awareness must go hand in hand with education and…
Student and Alumni StoriesDr. Sabarivasan Velsamy: A Journey Toward FMGE in India! I am Dr. Sabarivasan Velsamy. I have completed my Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree at Texila American University (TAU) in…
Student and Alumni StoriesDr. Pavithra Muruganadhan: A Journey Toward FMGE in India! I am immensely grateful to introduce myself as a student of Texila American University. I am Dr. Pavithra Muruganathan, graduated…
Student and Alumni StoriesTAU: The Best University to Study Medicine Abroad I am Dr. Mehala Venkatesan Rathinam. We all aspire to achieve something in our life. However, we quit when we…
Student and Alumni StoriesAlumni Spotlight: Dr. SusrushaDhas (Class of 2020) I feel incredibly honored to introduce myself as an alumnus of Texila American University, Guyana (Texila). I completed my Doctor…