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Injuries are common among footballers, with studies showing that per 1000 hours of play, the probability of being injured is between 10% and 35%. Evidence indicates that a lack of first aid (FA) care negatively affects health outcomes. This study aims to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of FA among Bambari football players. In this cross-sectional study conducted on football players in Bambari city, Central African Republic (CAR), a questionnaire assessed sociodemographic properties, FA knowledge, attitude, and practice. This study was approved by the CAR football federation. Among the 126 participants, the mean age was 26 years, with 83 (66%) having a secondary school education level. Results showed mean knowledge in FA at 19.76%, a positive attitude at 83.06%, and inappropriate practice at 17.05% among the 21.62% who reported involvement in FA practice. We conclude that Bambari football players have weak knowledge, a positive attitude, and inadequate practice of FA. We recommend that FA training be integrated into other training programs received by football players.